Early Potatoes Pushed Prices Downwards

The first early potatoes have been lifted, producing price declines in the markets. Expana Benchmark Prices (EBP) for Belgium’s processing potatoes have fallen by 40% week on week to EUR300/MT as more of the fresh crop becomes accessible to processors and competition for cultivars eases with increased supply.
“According to market sources, as more of the maincrop enters the market in the coming weeks, they expect a continuation of the downward price trend, as happens seasonally,” Mintec by Expana experts mentioned recently.
They said that, despite lower EU Commission yield predictions this month (35.1 t/ha, 1% below the 5-year average), weather conditions are favorable, which should promote crop growth and help late-planted crops.
“Market players are hoping for a dry harvest, which would allow potatoes to be stored longer and increase availability later in the season. Last year’s wet and delayed harvest was a major price driver during the 2023-2024 marketing year due to quality issues and supply deficits later in the season. According to market sources, if the 2024 harvest proceeds without weather disruptions, prices in 2024-2025 are unlikely to reach the levels seen in the 2023-2024 marketing year,” the representatives concluded.