DNA Sequencing Technology to Understand the Phytophthora infestans vs. Potato Battle

By analyzing the genetic makeup of ancient potato leaves, researchers at North Carolina State University shed light on the dynamic...

Oils and Fats: Removing Undesirable Fatty Elements and Optimizing Lipid Composition

Sensory perception is crucial in the evaluation and acceptance of foods. Nutriswiss AG, a Swiss specialist in the procurement and...

Acrylamide Communication Campaign Launched by SAFE

SAFE launched a campaign on acrylamide, a chemical compound that is formed during most high-temperature cooking processes, and cal...

Celebrating World Food Safety Day: A Look at Germany’s Contributions

In numerous respects, the German mechanical engineering sector contributes significantly to the world's supply of safe food throug...

PoLoPo is Seeking U.S. Regulatory Approval For Its SuperAA Platform

PoLoPo recently announced it has submitted its application for Regulatory Status Review (RSR) to the U.S. Department of Agricultur...

Transgenic Potatoes With Low Solanine Levels Via Gene Editing

Research published in Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology found that inhibiting the solanidine galactosyltransferase (sgt1...

Exploring Opportunities to Store Frozen Food at Higher Temperatures

Campden BRI was recently challenged by Nomad Foods to help them solve an important issue: Can frozen food products be stored at a...

22% of Americans Say They Consume Potatoes Several Times Per Week

Of the American population, 28% claim to eat potatoes once or twice a week, and 22% say they do so several times, weekly, accordin...

Novel Approach in Reducing a Carcinogen Produced When Cold-stored Potatoes Are Fried

A group of researchers headed by Jiming Jiang and David Douches, professors at Michigan State University (MSU), has made a signifi...

Fighting Novel Plant-parasitic Nematodes With the Help of NEM-EMERGE Project

Root-knot nematodes have spread further northward in Europe due to climate change and genetic selection, and controlling cyst nema...

PepsiCo Targets 15% Sodium Reduction in U.S. Lay’s Classic Potato Chips

As part of PepsiCo Positive (pep+), the company's end-to-end strategic change, PepsiCo, Inc. unveiled two new, ambitious nutrition...

U of I Begins Cryogenically Preserving Potato Germplasm

Staff members are receiving training from the University of Idaho's (U of I) Seed Potato Germplasm Program to operate a new cryopr...

New Global Standard for Regenerative Agriculture Certification from FoodChain ID

To assist farmers and their clients in the transition to a more sustainable supply chain, FoodChain ID, one of the top global prov...




Potato Business Dossier
